I was wondering if someone could verify a nasty little bug or whatever with
ColdFusion MX 7 running on Linux. Every time I try this code on a system
running CFMX 7 on RHEL AS 3.0 w/ Apache the coldfusion server crashes. I
then tried it on Windows 2003 and it works just fine.

- Charles

Here is my test code ...

<cfset DestDir="/tmp"> <cfset theFile = #trim(DestDir)# &
"/devregdump2.tab"> <cfif FileExists("/tmp/devregdump2.tab") is "Yes">
<cftry>        <p>The File exists, now removing the devreg dump file.
<cffile action="Delete" file="/tmp/devregdump2.tab">    <cfcatch type="any">
<cfoutput>#cfcatch.Message#</cfoutput>        <cfabort>    </cfcatch>
</cftry> </cfif>  <cfftp connection="myConnection"    username = "ftp"
password = "ftp"    server = "aftp.server"    action = "open"
stopOnError = "Yes" > <cfftp     connection = "myConnection"    action =
"getFile"     name = "getDevRegFile"     transferMode = "binary"
localFile = "/tmp/devregdump2.tab"    remoteFile = "/pub/devregdump2.tab" >
<p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput> <p>Close the
connection: <cfftp connection = "myConnection" action = "close" stopOnError
= "Yes"> <p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput> <cfabort>
   <cffile action="Read" file="#trim(theFile)#" variable="rawData"> <table
border="1">    <cfloop index="index" list="#rawData#" delimiters="#chr(10)#"
>    <tr>        <cfoutput>            <td>(#index#)</td>        </cfoutput>
</tr>    </cfloop> </table>

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