Hi Jack,

The choice of "referrer" for your file name variable seems like it
might be a bit confusing -- since it's not actually a referrer until
you've directed the user to the next page, which occurs after the
variable is set. I'd change it to "currentlocation" or similar to
avoid that confusion, although that's not going to help with your

I also don't see the variable "cflogin" declared anywhere above that
portion of your Application.cfm and as a result, <cfif not
isDefined("cflogin")> will always evaluate true and redirect the user.
I don't think it will hurt anything for it to be in the
Application.cfm, it just won't have any effect on the page.

You might want to try using cgi.script_name instead of cgi.path_info.
I can't remember the specific circumstances, but I do know I've seen
them not be the same value and iirc when they weren't the same,
path_info was actually an empty string, so it could be that the value
of "referrer" is "" even when the template being called is in fact
login.cfm -- or better yet don't rely on the cgi variables at all and
use getBaseTemplatePath() instead.


> Hey, folks. Having a bit of trouble setting up a basic
> application based user authentication on my site. I keep
> getting an error in mozilla-based browers, "redirection
> limit for this URL exceeded", that sort of thing. In IE,
> it just won't load at all - eventually gives me a server
> unavailable error.

> I've been browsing through forum posts on this sort of
> problem, and it seems it's sometimes related to
> cflocation, though I haven't been able to find any sort of
> clear explanation.

> Anyway, here's my application.cfm code:

> <cfsetting showdebugoutput="no">
> <cfapplication name="02133" sessionmanagement="Yes"
> setclientcookies="Yes"
> applicationtimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,3,0)#">
> <cfparam Name="Application.DSN" Default="MassInc2">
> <cfparam name="Request.Debug" default="">

> <cfparam Name="Application.SearchCollectionName"
> Default="02133">

> <!--- check if user has logged out --->
>    <cfif IsDefined("Form.logout")>
>       <cflogout>
>         <cflocation url="/index.cfm">
>    </cfif>

> <!--- check if user is logged in --->
> <cfset referrer = GetFileFromPath(CGI.Path_info)>
> <cfif  referrer neq "login.cfm">
>   <cfif NOT IsDefined("cflogin")>
>               <cflocation url="login.cfm">
>        <cfabort>
>       </cfif>
> </cfif>

> What I'm looking for this to do is, if a user hasn't been
> logged in, send them along to login.cfm - unless, of
> course, they're already there.

> Any idea why I'm getting this redirection limit error when
> I try to call up any of the pages in this application?

> Thanks!

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