As Joe points out CFCDev is the happy-joy-land in terms of this
subject, - be warned stay on topic - as i'm popping in / out of this
list a lot over the years and see quite a lot of bantering/thread
hijacking/flaming etc  back and forth (more power to the list i guess
we are all stressed hehehe) but i like CFCDev for staying ontopic
99.9% of the time - which is a good trait.

That being said, creating lists such as the ones you outlined would be
to fragemented in my opinion, i'd like to see it more consolidated to
a list like CFCDev where patterns and all that which is OO goodness is
given a healthy kick. Over the past few months, a lot of us i guess
have gotten love stricken with the concepts of
DAO/DG/Managers/Mach-II/Beans-OR-BusinessObjects/Factory Patterns and
what not.. i myself went a bit pattern frenzy  but thats cool as it
opens up to possibilities of how to architect now vs just code.

I wish more people would create blogs on the very subject and air
there thoughts as its been sucessful for devs like Joe, Matt and many
many others (myself included) to bare ones soul about their
knowledge/learning experience on OO development with CFMX.

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