Cool - thanks dave that totally cleared it up for me

On Apr 5, 2005 11:48 AM, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I told the guy who asked me to call MM himself to get the
> > skinny, but now I am curious. As  usual I am a bit slow, and
> > a confused mind says "no" so is this accurate...
> >
> > 1. I buy CF EE, write an app, make a war 2. I want to sell it
> > to Joe Blow 3. Joe Blow likes the app, and wants to buy it
> > ----
> > 4. Joe Blow, who is running tomcat only, needs to buy a CF EE
> > license to run my war in production or 4. Joe Blow, who is
> > running tomcat only, can use the war without ever talking to MM
> >
> > I think it's the latter, but I can't seem to get it (as soon
> > as I see license and serial number I start getting confused ;-D)
> Given the above, here are your choices:
> 1. You omit the serial number when creating your EAR/WAR. Mr. Blow would
> then have to purchase his own CFMX Enterprise license to deploy your EAR/WAR
> for production use. If he doesn't enter a serial number, the EAR/WAR will
> essentially be a CFMX trial version for 30 days, after which it reverts to
> Developer Edition.
> 2. You enter your serial number when creating your EAR/WAR. Mr. Blow would
> then be able to deploy the EAR/WAR directly to production. However, you
> would then have to cease using that serial number with your own copy of CFMX
> Enterprise, as you would essentially have sold him your license. If you
> continue using the serial number for your own server, you would be violating
> the terms of your license, and Macromedia product resellers like me would
> track you down, skin you alive and make you into one of those "bearskin"
> rugs or something. I just saw "Sin City" last weekend, so I'm kind of in
> that mindset right now I guess.
> 3. Before creating your EAR/WAR, you get a valid CFMX Enterprise license
> from Mr. Blow, or on behalf of Mr. Blow. You enter that serial number when
> creating your EAR/WAR. Mr. Blow can then deploy it directly to production,
> and that license would legally belong to him.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> Visit for more information!

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