> Thanks for your opinion there chief. You may want to exercise 
> that delete key.

That's certainly one option for everyone. However, if you see the same
thread come up every three months or so, with the same resolution each time,
you might get a little frustrated. Let's take a look at some choice quotes
from this thread:

"VSS works AOK for us, never had issues - indeed the next version 
of VSS should improve things no end.

I would avoid Dreamweaver MX like the plague."

OK, that's very useful. That's the whole email. No statement about why to
avoid Dreamweaver, no mention of problems using it with VSS (actually, I've
found Dreamweaver to work well with VSS, for what that's worth), just "avoid
[it] like the plague".

Then, you responded with this:

"I like the last line of that email...

For all of you DWMX people out there, I tried to give it a shot.
I really did try my hardest to like it. In the end though, I just
couldn't do it. It's the most frustrating application I've ever 
used, apart from Lotus Notes that is. I'm now using CFEclipse and 
I can't scream loudly enough about how much I like it. I've been 
using it exclusively for about a month now and I don't see myself 
using anything else for a hell of a long time. I use it for CF, 
PHP/Smarty and Laszlo development and it's just pure greatness."

Again, there aren't any reasons mentioned in this response. You say it's
frustrating. You don't say why it's frustrating, or what specific problems
you ran into. You say that CFEclipse is "pure greatness", but again you
don't say why it's better than Dreamweaver for you. Even if you do, I'm sure
I can counter that with a bunch of reasons why Dreamweaver is better for me.
The key words in that last part are "for you" and "for me".

I'm not trying to pick on you specifically, but with something as personal
as a programmers' editor you're simply not going to get very far one way or
another, and the thread will end up being just another useless pile-on of "I
like it" and "I hate it" responses. There's a reason people make vi and
emacs jokes, you know.

That said, don't let me stop you or anyone else from continuing the thread.
I'm perfectly fine with the delete key, myself. Just don't get your hopes up
about the thread being useful.

> An IDE can make as much difference in a programmer as a 
> better car can make for a racer. I HATE that I just used a 
> racing analogy, but it fit.

I don't think this analogy is particularly fitting, actually. Cars have
measurable properties which make them better or worse for racing - speed,
turning ability, and so on. Development tools don't, in many cases. The
efficiency of an IDE has more to do with how closely it matches the workflow
and thought patterns of the developer using it than with any metrics you can

> Also, the IDE can make a world of difference for junior 
> developers learning the intricacies of the language.

I agree, however I think that this "world of difference" is usually a
negative thing. There's a reason that introductory programming texts often
direct the reader to use a plain ol' text editor rather than a specific IDE.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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