There is a balance between doing anything I want and doing things that will 
alienate list members. In the past I had graphic banner ads on the list 
emails. Some did not like it and were vocal about it (even though there was 
a non-graphic version of the emails). Some left. In the end, I removed them 
as they just did more 'harm' than good. Having happy and useful people on 
the lists is more important than email banners. I'm going to leave this 
advertising in for a few more days and then re-evaluate it. If it causes 
more 'harm' than good, then out it goes.

> My opinion is you can do anything with *your* list that
> you like, Michael...I certainly don't mind you making all
> the money you can on it, especially with something as
> inobtrusive as links to keywords.
> Anyone who doesn't like you trying to make money off the list
> to help support it, or even to get rich from, can start a drive to
> make this a subscription only list to help pay for it.
> And anyone who doesn't like the way your raise funds for the list
> should be sending in a substantial contribution every month to
> pay you back for the very valuable service you and this list provide.
> Keep up the good work!
> Rick
> ----------------------------------------
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Dinowitz)
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:14 AM
> To: CF-Talk <>
> Subject: wtf are those advertizing links in the text?
> It's an advertiser that I'm trying out and it's based on javascript and 
> CSS. If people do find it overly intrusive I'll rethink it.
>> On the web archive I noticed that certain words are underlined and
>> linked to ads, very much like M$'s smart tags. Is this something that
>> HOF as implemented, and how can I turn it off?
> larry

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