That's probably true with the subscription approach.
Who likes paying to provide value to something?

That's why I think the ad approach is better.  But,
if the only way for it to pay off is putting links
in the content, then it should go that way.

This list should not be treated as "open source".
It's a valuable "tool" in the took kit of every developer.
It helps to sharpen the knowledge of even those who
just answer questions.

How much would we have to pay for support from companies,
or even worse for books, who content and help is eternally
limited at purchase, for the kind of support we get here?

It's hard to believe anyone who makes a living from the kind
of information that is provided here would begrudge Michael
$10, or whatever, per month in support.  Personally, I would
hope he could be a very wealthy person for what he provides.

It's sad that anyone would complain about paying about
30 cents a day...


 From: "Matthew Small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:03 PM
To: CF-Talk <>
Subject: RE: wtf are those advertizing links in the text? 

If it did go to a subscription basis, I think there would be some immediate
dropoff in existing users and the new users would only trickle in, thereby
reducing the value of this list for both advertising and troubleshooting.
More experienced users would not need to be a part of the list and newbies
would not have the knowledge of the experienced users to draw from.

- Matt Small

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: wtf are those advertizing links in the text?

I feel that if it went to a subscription fee (which I think it should), it
would raise the level of discussion and it would allow Michael to be a
little more aggressive to what is acceptable.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrocknaphobia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: wtf are those advertizing links in the text?

Woah. If this list went to a monthly/yearly subscription you can
expect a severe drop in subscribers. Many times, especially the last
few days, I've contemplated dropping of this list. As many people seem
to confuse this list and thier own personal blog. In all honesty, if I
cared about your opinions on the merger or whatever, I'd read you blog
(Which I have no intrest in). I surely not going to pay for it.

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