There are plenty of "free" sources of information out there that this very 
list offers. There is no way I'd pay to subscribe to a mailing list. Now if 
I were to find that I was greatly benifiting from it, I would make a 
donation to whoever maintained it. I have done donations in the past to 
things that offered me free help that I in turn benifited from in my work. 
Now if a place put in advertisement links for something I typed then I might 
think twice about putting postings there. I am on a car forum that does this 
and rarely post on it these days but my rare postings have nothing to do 
with their advertisements.

 On 4/20/05, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > I would not pay a subscription to a list
> I think you might change your mind if all lists gave the choice of
> buying a subscription or acceptads and those were the only ones around.
> That's like saying to Mike...hey, I'm perfectly willing to participate
> and benefit from your work, but not if you're going to benefit...

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