When CFMX7 was launched, I queried as to why the only marketing on MM's 
site was a small picture and some text in the center "Products" column. 
I surely thought that with the launch of the most "exciting" and 
"feature rich" version of ColdFusion, the product would get top billing 
on MM's website and be featured in the main animation banner that spans 
across the page, "above the fold".

To my surprise, this never happened. During the launch, Flash Mobile and 
a few other products were featured in the main animation - many of which 
were days/weeks old at this point.

Enter Breeze 5. Sure enough, on the day of the announcement, there is a 
nice banner highlighting product as well as a smaller graphics and text 
in the center products column. Surely, MM wanted the world to know about 
Breeze 5, and the website shows it.

Why am I mentioning this? Well, IMHO, it's a subtle but important 
indicator about MM's view of CFMX. It's not that they won't devote $$ 
and resources to its continued development, but it's clear that the 
"broader reach" products like Breeze and some of the Flash authoring 
tools will continue to force CFMX to  "backstage" instead of its 
rightful place at "center stage".

To make things worse, MM and Adobe are set to merge.  With both 
companies heavily invested in the tools market, CFML's future could be 
bleak. CMFX won't dissapear, but it's growth in terms of market share 
AND features could be slowed to an unacceptable pace as MM/Adobe's 
attention focuses more closely on their cash cow: tools and IDEs.

Sorry for the rant, but I hate to see CFMX get dissed by it's own company!

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