You're right. It' TALK!

Adrocknaphobia wrote:

>Come on man, cf-talk is not your blog.
>On 5/2/05, Alex Sherwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>When CFMX7 was launched, I queried as to why the only marketing on MM's
>>site was a small picture and some text in the center "Products" column.
>>I surely thought that with the launch of the most "exciting" and
>>"feature rich" version of ColdFusion, the product would get top billing
>>on MM's website and be featured in the main animation banner that spans
>>across the page, "above the fold".
>>To my surprise, this never happened. During the launch, Flash Mobile and
>>a few other products were featured in the main animation - many of which
>>were days/weeks old at this point.
>>Enter Breeze 5. Sure enough, on the day of the announcement, there is a
>>nice banner highlighting product as well as a smaller graphics and text
>>in the center products column. Surely, MM wanted the world to know about
>>Breeze 5, and the website shows it.
>>Why am I mentioning this? Well, IMHO, it's a subtle but important
>>indicator about MM's view of CFMX. It's not that they won't devote $$
>>and resources to its continued development, but it's clear that the
>>"broader reach" products like Breeze and some of the Flash authoring
>>tools will continue to force CFMX to  "backstage" instead of its
>>rightful place at "center stage".
>>To make things worse, MM and Adobe are set to merge.  With both
>>companies heavily invested in the tools market, CFML's future could be
>>bleak. CMFX won't dissapear, but it's growth in terms of market share
>>AND features could be slowed to an unacceptable pace as MM/Adobe's
>>attention focuses more closely on their cash cow: tools and IDEs.
>>Sorry for the rant, but I hate to see CFMX get dissed by it's own company!

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