Hello guys,

I have an authentication system, using both cflogin (for authentication) 
and session variables (to set user data, sites able to manage, and so on).

- User access the system for the first time, so he isn't logged in;
- The system displays the login form.
- User fill the form, click submit;
- Since he isn't logged in, he "enter the cflogin tag".
- The system authenticate using cfloginuser and also set session variables.

This is working like a charm, as usual.

- If the user logout, session variables are deleted and cflogout executed.
- If the user access the system again, both cfloginuser and sessions are 
setted again.

Also, working perfectly.

If the user is logged in and simply close the browser (without login out 
properly), the next time he access the system, the login form *will be* 
displayed (since he ain't logged in), but, when he submit the form, 
session variables are not setted. The cfset's for session variables are 
inside the cflogin block. So, if they are not executed, I presume the 
user hasn't entered the cflogin block, which is totally weird, since he 
isn't logged in!

Application.cfc configured as follows:

    <cfset this.name = "appname">
    <cfset this.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,2,0,0)>
    <cfset this.loginStorage = "session">
    <cfset this.sessionManagement = true>
    <cfset this.sessionTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,0,10,0)>
    <cfset this.clientManagement = false>
    <cfset this.clientStorage = "cookie">
    <cfset this.setClientCookies = false>
    <cfset this.setDomainCookies = false>

    <cfset this.scriptProtect=false>

I tried putting cflogout and deleting sessions variables in the login 
page (to really ensure the user isn't logged in), but didn't worked. 
Also, the login form use j_username and j_password as form inputs, so, 
inside cflogin tag, we have the cflogin structure.

Using ColdFusion 7 Updater 2 in J2EE Configuration on JRun 4 Updater 3, 
using jsessionID variables (in CF Administrator). Linux and Apache.

Am I missing something?

Many thanks,

Fabio Terracini

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