 In a word yes. I think ColdFusion offers a better introduction to 
programming than PHP.
 Even Adobe can't go toe to toe with Microsoft in marketing CF to 
corporations. Macromedia always said that CF was a "bottom up" product.
 Well I can't think of a better way to get CF in the back door of 
corporations than to introduce it to thousands of college students. I refuse 
to believe that it will cripple them from going on to learn OOP and advanced 
   Rick Mason

 On 5/4/05, Calvin Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Effectively, you seem to be saying that education establishments should be
> teaching CF instead of PHP?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 10:47 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CFMX: Dissed by Breeze and FlashLite?
> Micha,
> With all due respect I wasn't advocating if you read my message that they
> only learn CFML.
> Most of the university students in Michigan leave knowing several
> languages, of course they should know c# and java if they're to become
> employable.
> I remain unconvinced that learning CF first is going to somehow handicap
> them in learning advanced languages. In fact I think it's just the 
> opposite,
> the quick productivity building useful stuff is likely to inspire them as
> they learn advanced subjects.
> A great many programmers of my generation first tackled the basic that IBM
> shipped on the first PC XT's. Somehow using things like GoTo's didn't
> prevent me from going on to learn other languages with more advanced
> concepts.
> I still remain convinced that CF would be a great first language in
> colleges and with a little effort it could be dominant in that role.
> Rick Mason
> On 5/4/05, Micha Schopman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I disagree, in the least because the job opportunities for C, C++, C#
> > and Java are much and much larger than those for CF developers.
> >
> > Second, with C# or Java you learn to work with true OOP in a much more
> > advanced environment then CF will ever be. If you for example look at
> > protection levels for every action you take, it will force you to think
> > about the architecture of your application in a way CF will probably
> > never reach.
> >
> > Even then, I don't know how this is in the US, but here university level
> > schools don't really focus on the programming languages, but they focus
> > more on managing a software creation process, writing technical and
> > functional documentation, diagrams, architectures, release management,
> > and then there comes programming.
> >
> > It is nice if students can get a copy of CF cheaper with a school
> > license, but to let schools teach CF, rather not. Every Java developer
> > can program CF, not every CF programmer can do Java.
> >
> > Micha Schopman
> > Project Manager
> >
> > Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL Amersfoort
> > Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388
> > KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
> >
> >
> >

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