If it helps, I wrote a little UDF for this...can't guarantee it'll be
100% on all of the time, I scrawled it out quickly for my own quick
use a while back.

<cffunction name="prettyXml" returnType="string" output="false">
        <cfargument name="xmlNode">
        <cfargument name="depth" default="0">

        <cfset var result = "" />

        <cfset result = repeatString(chr(9), arguments.depth) &
"<#arguments.xmlNode.xmlName#" />

        <cfloop collection="#arguments.xmlNode.xmlAttributes#" item="i">
                <cfset result = result & " 

        <cfif not len(arguments.xmlNode.xmlText) and not
                <cfset result = result & " /">

        <cfset result = result & ">" />
        <cfif len(trim(arguments.xmlNode.xmlText))>
                <cfset result = result & chr(10) & repeatString(chr(9),
arguments.depth + 1) & htmlEditFormat(arguments.xmlNode.xmlText) &
chr(10) />
                <cfset result = result & chr(10) />

        <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(arguments.xmlNode.xmlChildren)#" 
                <cfset result = result & 
arguments.depth + 1) />

        <cfif len(arguments.xmlNode.xmlText) or
                <cfset result = result & repeatString(chr(9), arguments.depth) &
"</#arguments.xmlNode.xmlName#>" & chr(10) />

        <cfreturn result />

On 5/24/05, Barney Boisvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not with CF natively.  XML (like HTML) is whitespace agnostic, so the
> XML doesnt care if it's one long line, or a nicely formatted
> (according to an arbitrary human).  You could probably write a
> formatter fairly easily, depending on the complexity of the formatting
> rules you wanted to enforce.
> At it's simplest, just do replace(xmlString, ">", ">#chr(10)#",
> "all"), but that'll only give you linebreaks, you'll have to write an
> actual parser that tracks nesting depth if you want to do indentation
> and stuff.
> cheers,
> barneyb
> On 5/24/05, Johnny Le <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there a way to format the xml string before writing back to the file?  
> > The problem I have is when I use toString(xmlObject) to convert the xml 
> > object to string to write to a file, it becomes one long ugly string.  Is 
> > there an easy to format it with indentation and all?
> >
> > Johnny
> --
> Barney Boisvert
> 360.319.6145
> http://www.barneyb.com/
> Got Gmail? I have 50 invites.

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