> You can either configure CFMX to use a separate connector for each virtual
> web server, or one connector for all virtual web servers. I don't have a 
> lot
> of experience setting this up for Apache - our clients using Apache
> typically have a single virtual server - but I'd guess that you originally
> had separate connectors for each virtual server and now you don't. This
> doesn't generally matter unless you want to customize functionality on a
> per-virtual-server basis.

I don't think I gave all the details. I have 7 instances of CFMX deployed on 
JRun4. I have about 20 VHosts for Apache. I thought that I HAD to use 
different connectors for each VHost because it had to know which JRun proxy 
to communicate with. Here is an example of a VHost I have: 

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName portal.mysite.com <http://portal.mysite.com>

DocumentRoot /usr/local/home/portal
Alias /CFIDE/ 

<Location "/CFIDE/">
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 192.
<Location "/CFIDE/scripts/">
order allow,deny
allow from all
JRunConfig Serverstore /usr/local/jrun4/lib/wsconfig/portal/jrunserver.store
JRunConfig BootStrap <>

Here is how I load the JRun module before all my VHosts:

LoadModule jrun_module /usr/local/jrun4/lib/wsconfig/1/mod_jrun20.so
<IfModule mod_jrun20.c>
JRunConfig Verbose false
JRunConfig Apialloc false
JRunConfig Ssl false
JRunConfig Ignoresuffixmap false
#JRunConfig Serverstore /usr/local/jrun4/lib/wsconfig/1/jrunserver.store
#JRunConfig Bootstrap <>
#JRunConfig Errorurl <optionally redirect to this URL on errors>
AddHandler jrun-handler .jws .cfm .cfml .cfc

I thought it was required to define the Serverstore and the BootStrap so 
that it could communicate to the correct instance of CFMX on JRun. 

Like I said after I ran the wsconfig command, it deleted all of the wsconfig 
subfolders. I know before that if they were not there, nothing would work, 
but is still working. Even after a restart of both jrun and apache. 

Yes, you can do this by specifying context roots for each CFMX/JRun
> instance. Typically, you do this by running the EAR/WAR install option,
> during which you can specify your context root. Otherwise, I think you can
> change your context root by editing one of the myriad xml configuration
> files - I don't know which offhand. I'm pretty sure there are some 
> articles
> about using context roots on the MM Devnet.

I am not sure I am following you, my goal is to do some application 
separation so that some rogue process within the portal application does not 
affect other parts of the site. So what I have done was to create another 
instance of CFMX on JRun and am running my portal application separating. 
Currently it has a context root of / but I could change it to /portal. but 
then how do i get the same virtual host to connect to the correct CFMX 
instance when it comes in? It seems like I can define only one connector per 

There might be a simpler way to do this, but I do not know exactly how.

thanks for you help so far,

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