On 5/31/05, Damien McKenna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The standard demonstration of MySQL's competitiveness with MS-SQL is
> > the well-know eWeek article
> > (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,103972,00.asp) shows that MySQL
> > (4.0 in the tests) paced Oracle and simply kicked the butt of
> > everything else, with MS-SQL coming in at the bottom.
> One thing - most pro-MySQL benchmarks use the basic MyISAM tables which
> don't support newer features like transactions, etc.  Once you move to
> INNO DB to add those features you start loosing speed.

While I can't prove the eWeek article wasn't a "pro-MySQL benchmark"
(despite eWeek's clear surprise at the results) it's extremely clear
if you read the article that the MySQL database in the test used a mix
of table types (engines) -- InnoDB for data requiring transactional
support and MyISAM for tables that didn't. So this benchmark certainly
included InnoDB tables in the database -- in fact you can download the
test application and see for yourself.

BTW, one enormous advantage that MySQL had in this test was that they
(and Sybase) both answered eWeek's invitation to send a consultant to
help optimize/tune the database configuration for the tests. (I
personally think Oracle would have done even better if an Oracle
consultant had tuned the setup since Oracle performance can be
dependent on so many factors).

One could argue (quite successfully IMHO) that's it's quite an
*advantage* of MySQL to only add the overhead of supporting
transactions to database tables that require that functionality and to
be able to make that choice on a per-table basis. And to be able to
change that decision ("hey, we *do* need transaction support on the
orders table, bob!") with a simple ALTER TABLE statement.

John Paul Ashenfelter
(blog) http://www.ashenfelter.com

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