Hi Jennifer,

Again - perfect candidate for Fusebox.  If your other person is strictly doing HTML 
work and graphics, then you have the person submit "templates" to you and you 
integrate the CF coding into them.

Keep the design guy off your server.  I do this all the time with design people and it 
works great.  They have a perfect "static" version of the site, and I've got the final 
result with the graphics and layout integrated.


Mark Warrick
Phone: (714) 547-5386
Efax.com Fax: (801) 730-7289
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal URL: http://www.warrick.net 
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Business URL: http://www.fusioneers.com
ICQ: 346566

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jennifer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 12:42 PM
> Subject: [CF-Talk] RE: Slightly OT: versioning control
> At 09:27 AM 9/18/00 -0700, you wrote:
> >Your problem is a perfect candidate for the Fusebox methodology.  Read 
> >into it here: http://www.fusebox.org.
> Well, this other person, the one who works for the client and not for us, 
> will not be doing any CF programming. This person might make small HTML 
> changes and is perfectly capable of doing this. However, in the 
> process of 
> doing the things that he can do, he might accidentally mess up something 
> that would look like we messed up. We need to tell if he accidentally 
> messed something up or if we messed something up. I don't think that 
> fusebox would help for these circumstances. We're worried about the guy 
> accidentally deleting a pound sign or a close bracket. This is 
> why we need 
> to track it.
> >Aside from that, it seems like you've got some communication problems 
> >between you, the client, and the other developers that need to 
> be resolved.
> >
> >Who is in control of the project overall?  That person need to 
> coordinate 
> >the development efforts and makes sure everyone involved knows 
> who's doing 
> >what.
> Well, there are people that work with us that are in charge of all the 
> things that we do. But the whole point of having this other person at the 
> company office is that the person would not have to involve us in the 
> change, thus incurring less charges with us. Realistically speaking, this 
> person is not going to answer to us. This person actually answers 
> to the IT 
> department of the client company and the IT department has nothing to do 
> with the website. There is a person at the client company who 
> assigns work 
> to us and approves it when the work is completed, but she is not a 
> technical person and is unable to advise in that capacity. We don't like 
> the idea of someone who basically has free access to the server 
> and to the 
> site code with no one to oversee what he is doing, but we have no say in 
> that. Some of the changes that this person will be making are things that 
> we will gladly turn over to him, such as data-entry.
> >I would recommend that if that person does not exist, that you hire that 
> >person to oversee the development efforts.
> >
> >--------------------------------------------------------------
> >Mark Warrick
> >Phone: (714) 547-5386
> >Efax.com Fax: (801) 730-7289
> >Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Personal URL: http://www.warrick.net
> >Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Business URL: http://www.fusioneers.com
> >ICQ: 346566
> >--------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Jennifer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 3:10 PM
> > > Subject: Slightly OT: versioning control
> > >
> > >
> > > Several companies that we do sites for have hired someone to 
> make small
> > > changes to the site so the company doesn't have to call us to 
> make these
> > > changes. Of course, this makes us very paranoid. We don't 
> want some other
> > > person making changes to the site, having the site break, and 
> not be able
> > > to track that he made the changes. We've been considering how 
> to set up
> > > versioning control and we're leaning towards CVS but we're 
> worried about
> > > exactly how to set it up. We have a development server and we 
> have a live
> > > server. We need to track changes made to the development 
> server. (We will
> > > also be tracking pushes to the live server, but that's easy 
> enough.) The
> > > ideal situation is that people could test on their servers then
> > > push to the
> > > development server but we foresee some problems with this. The
> > > main problem
> > > is connecting to the database. For us to test locally with a remote
> > > database connection we'd each have to be running CF Server on our
> > > computers. This is not necessarily doable since some people 
> are currently
> > > using Macs. Originally we had decided to have a local testing 
> server, a
> > > development server, and a live server but these new remote guys
> > > complicate
> > > that. So we've decided to set up CF Server on the PC desktops 
> and on the
> > > new guys' machines, but this is starting to seem overly complicated.
> > >
> > > We know that some of you are developing sites with other
> > > developers and we
> > > are just wondering how you handle it. I guess we're hoping 
> that there's a
> > > simpler way.
> > >
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > ------------
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