
Insightful post, thanks. One thing that caught my eye is exporting to a 
staging server calling 'svn checkout', shouldn't you 'svn export' that 
instead? Checking out files also exports a flurry of .svn folders for 
local version tracking, but exporting gives you a clean directory 
structure. Perhaps that's what the 'checkout release' does? I haven't 
seen or played with that feature.

-nathan strutz

Chip temm wrote:

>Hi Russ,
>   >Does Homesite+/CFStudio have any CVS support (especially for subversion?).
>   >We're planning to move to SVN from developing from ftp, but wondering how 
> to
>   >set the whole thing up. 
>Bunch of ways to do this with Homesite.  The easiest I know of is to use 
>TortoiseSVN.  From Homesite, all of the Tortoise right-click menus will be 
>available in the directory browsing pane (but NOT in the file browser below 
>it).  When you change a file and want to update your server version, right 
>click its parent directory and COMMIT.  Simple.  If you want to use Homesite's 
>Project-thingy with its source control integration, you will have to install 
>something like Jalinidi Igloo which emulates SourceSafe's API (called SCC).  
>Hasn't been worth it for me. SO, that's the client side....
>   >We have a development server, where all the changes are made and tested by
>   >editing the files directly through ftp and testing them through the web
>   >browser.  When they're ready, we ftp them over to the production server and
>   >use Araxis Merge to compare the changes with the old files and merge them
>   >(just for safety, and also certain files only get parts of them deployed,
>   >such as the cfc files which contain all the DAO logic). 
>   >How can we make this type of set up work with SVN?  I mean if we retrieve a
>   >file from CVS through Homesite+ or CFEClipse, how do we save the file to 
> the
>   >dev server so that we can test it, and then when we're done, how do we
>   >deploy the changes to production?   Is this even possible? 
>   >Russ
>The environment
>Here's the thing: you need to think about source control a bit differently 
>than you thought about the FTP method you setup.  Ideally, you would have a 
>souce control server, a staging server (you call that dev server above), a 
>production server and your local development machine. 
>You develop on a local standalone CF server- you should be able to test 
>anything here (except load) that you can test on your staging server. When you 
>are happy with a certain file (or directory), you commit it to your SVN 
>repository.  On the SVN machine there is no web server, cf server, whatever- 
>it is just a place to keep track of your changes and make sure that if 
>everything else blows up you keep your job. 
>Deploying to staging
>When you want to deploy the code to staging (to demo for a client, beta test, 
>whatever) you go to the staging box and use tortoise (or a shell script call 
>to cvsnt) to UPDATE (or if this is the first deployment CHECKOUT) the code 
>from the SVN box.  If you are strict, you will include in  your staging 
>deployment process a step to encrypt your CF code.  This keeps you honest and 
>doesn't allow you to make code changes on staging (from where you would likely 
>forget to commit them).  In fact, you should really do a CHECKOUT RELEASE 
>(this is TortoiseCVS terminology- may be different on SVN) which ensures that 
>your fresh files are not COMMITable from their new home.
>Deploying to production
>Same as deploying to staging.  You don't move a thing from staging.  You don't 
>have to.  All of your changes are in SVN right?  If your deployment to staging 
>worked and all other environment variables are the same, your deployment to 
>production will be as simple as pie.
>Using CF Enterprise to help
>You could alternately create a CAR on Staging when you are ready to deploy and 
>push that to Production.  This is an additional insurance that the deployment 
>is a success as the CAR wraps up all the CF server settings nicely for you: 
>when you restore the CAR on the target, CF is setup exactly as it was on the 
>source server.
>Saving money
>If you don't have an extra server for the source control, no prob.  Use your 
>staging box- but do NOT put your SVN repository in the webroot.  The key is to 
>keep source control separate from the normal running location of your apps.
>Scripting it all
>You could setup all of this to run as batch files in windows or linux.  The 
>staging process could be scheduled.  You could trigger the running of the 
>staging deployment by calling a CF page with a CFExecute that runs the batch 
>file.  If you are extra crafty you might use a nifty new CF Gateway to watch 
>for some file system chage or listen for a ping from somewhere to tell it to 
>run and get the latest release....
>You're on the right path- it is less complicated than it sounds!
>Chip Temm

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