Some gotchas you should be aware of:

If you want "name" to be an attribute for your custom tag, you can't
call it via cfmodule. What I typically do is use 2 attributes, name
and well, something else, like thename or something. I then use
"thename" when calling the custom tag w/ cfmodule. Inside the tag I
simply copy the attribute value to name.

If you use "wrapper" tags, ie, <cf_foo></cf_foo>, don't forget that
when using cfmodule, you must properly close all tags. So consider

<cfmodule template="layout.cfm">

   <cfmodule template="foo.cfm">


You may think the 3rd line closes the layout tag. Actually it closes
the foo tag. To make it work right, you simply change the foo call to:

<cfmodule template="foo.cfm" />

This will cause your tag to run twice. If you don't want that to
happen, you can add this at the end of your custom tag:

<cfexit method="exitTag">

In fact, I recommend you always do this so you don't forget.

Enjoy. As a general, FYI, I typically always use cfmodule or cf_ so I
don't have to worry about name collisions.

On 6/18/05, James Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure there's much more to it than what's in the docs:
> On 6/18/05, dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > anyone know of any good tuts on using this?
> >  I can use it but just wanna know more :)
> >
> --
> Geeque - accept the geek within and get your friends off your back -

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