For what it's worth in my Guide to CFML Variables I say this:

"Data stored in Server and Application scopes are persistent and can exist
across multiple requests. They are not tied to a specific end user or client
machine. Data stored in these scopes is maintained in the server's system
RAM and along with the Session scope (described later) are called "Shared
Variable Scopes" due to the fact that access to these scopes is shared among
all active requests. An understanding of locking in CFML is required to use
them properly. Locking is covered in detail in our Guide to Locking."

"Because information is stored in system RAM considerations should be made
to size your application's use of these scopes to the hardware on which it
will run. This also means that data in these scopes are not available across
machines in a ColdFusion cluster. Data in these scopes will not persist
beyond a server reboot or CF service restart so the application should be
designed to test and properly react to restarts."

The full article (which is badly in need of a general clean up and a
spell-checking) is here:

I'm not saying I'm "right", but the way I've described things is the way the
docs always seemed to present them (and the way things have made most sense
to me).

Variables available for only the current request are transient and variables
available across multiple requests are persistent.  In other words it the
perspective of the request that's used, not the server instance.

Again - this may be very wrong, but at least it's consistently wrong.  ;^)

Jim Davis

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