The problem is that the offending data is in the csv file which is being 
turned into a query result using QuerySetCell().  That doesn't support 
setting a type.

If I do the cast in the other query, QoQ throws an error saying that the 
comparison of the two different data types is not supported...

Oh if only we could move to 7.  But that is not an option.


On 6/22/2005 2:06 PM, Mark A Kruger wrote:

> Jeff,
> One of your original queries (that pull from the DB) sees the join column as
> a numeric type. re-cast it as a string type in the original query. Here's an
> MS SQL example.
> cast(realPartNumber AS varchar(12)) AS realPartnumber
> What DB are you using?
> This "should" cause the recordset object to see it as a string.
> -mark
> Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MCSE
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Langevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 12:59 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Query of Queries error
> I am trying to join two sets of data using query of queries.  I've read
> the livedocs and search the HoF archives and haven't been able to figure
> out a way to handle this.  My problem is that I run the query at the end
> of this massage and get the following error:
> Query Of Queries runtime error.
> Can't convert the string 13207A to java type LONG
> QoQ is making the column be the wrong type.  I need to to be a string
> type, but the first record has a numeric value as the order ID.  Any
> suggestions on how to force the type in QoQ?  One data set is coming
> from a database and another is a query built from a csv file.  I could
> write the csv data to a database table first and then work on it from
> there, but I'd rather avoid that if possible.  I have a CF5 server and a
> 6.1 server on which I can run this process.
> Thanks!
> -Jeff
> <cfquery dbtype="query" name="combineOrderData">
>       SELECT          getOrders.OrderDetail_ID,
>                       getOrders.Order_ID,
>                       getOrders.Qty,
>                       getOrders.ProductTitle,
>                       getOrders.OptTitles,
>                       getOrders.realPartNumber,
>                       shippedOrderData.whsorderno,
>                       shippedOrderData.shipdate,
>                       shippedOrderData.trackno,
>                       shippedOrderData.ordered,
>                       shippedOrderData.shipped,
>                       shippedOrderData.line,
>                       shippedOrderData.freightcharge
>       FROM    getOrders,
>               shippedOrderData
>       WHERE   getOrders.Order_ID = shippedOrderData.Order_ID AND
>               getOrders.realPartNumber = shippedOrderData.product
>       ORDER BY         getOrders.Order_ID
> </cfquery>

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