> Here's a fusebox specific one: Is there any way to tell
> fusebox to write and read the xml files from a different
> directory than the application? We are trying to only do
> sandboxed writes/reads to directories outside the webroot,
> but since it looks like application.fusebox.approotdirectory
> is automagically derived from the location of the
> application, and that's what's used to determine where
> to do reads and writes, it doesn't look like it's possible.

You'd have a similar issue with onTap... you'd have to disable the
"compression" feature in production mode because the compressed files
are stored in the same directory along with the individual templates.
~ontap.cfm (the ~ is to denote that it's a "temporary" file -- which
is how dreamweaver and some other IDEs mark them), and then the file
is set readonly so that in theory if you ignore the comment at the top
about it being generated and not editing it you should still get some
kind of alert at least if you try to edit & save the file. It probably
would not be a significant performance hit to disable it with most
applications. It was designed to reduce the number of cfinclude tags
executed in a given request but with most applications now (since
adding the html library) the number of tags eliminated would likely be
fairly small, so for most applications the performance boost from it
is liable to be small as well.

> And, a more general one: has anyone found a framework that
> actually works on sites that also incorporate Contribute
> users? I'm thinking there's isn't anything that really will
> play nicely, since Contribute is the antithesis of separately
> layout from code. What we're doing now is incorporating a lot
> of custom tags and cfcs for functionality, and some includes
> for layouts - but every page still has to have the
> html/head/body tags for Contribute to be happy, and the
> "protecting" of script still leaves a bit to be desired.

Yeah that's a sticky wicket... I suppose in theory if you created a
template and put that in the web-accessible directories you could use
the onTap framework's function libraries and CFC's to generate the
layout of the page (header and footer) and let the Contribute users
use that template to update content. You would lose some flexibility
in the framework -- you wouldn't be able to call the Contribute pages
as custom tags from other processes, although it seems unlikely you
would want to do that anyway. You would also be required to build your
header/footer display (but not display it) in the Application stage
which executes during the Application.cfm or during the
onRequestStart() event of your Application.cfc. The Contribute
template would then just have to display the generated headers and
footers and you would also have all the framework's automated code
execution, branding, ability to generate tiered/nested layouts and
i18n features available to generate your layout. The contribute
template would look something like this:

<!-- start contribute editable area -->

<!-- end contribute editable area -->

I would use a cache-name to generate the headers and footers also for
performance purposes, and might even go so far as to wrap the
cfoutputs in the template in a content tag to further cache the output
(assuming you can create a cachename that uniquely identifies the
current state of the header/footer, which I expect wouldn't be too
difficult). i.e.

<cfmodule template="#request.tapi.content()#"

Unfortunately I don't have access to any contribute licenses to test
this approach, but I think the theory is sound. It lacks a little of
the flexibility I like about the framework, but it doesn't break any
of the fundamental principles of the framework with regard to
separating the content from the format.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework


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