>You didn't declare i in DrawRow() with the var keyword -- that's your
>problem, since it's overwriting the variable i you're using to loop
>over the query...

duh - thanks everyone - i just changed the i to var j for more clarity and it 
works perfectly with the following code...

for( i = 1; i lte qQuery.RecordCount; i = i+1 ) {
  WriteOutput(DrawRow(qQuery.colA[i]), Trim(qQuery.colB[i])));

function DrawRow(someNo, someAmt) {

  var j = 0;
  var rRow = "";                
  var thisRow = SetValue(someNo, someAmt);
  for( j = 1; j lte ArrayLen(thisRow); j = j+1 ) {
    rRow = rRow & '<td align="right" class="' & IIf(thisRow[j] lt 0, 
DE("negative"), DE("")) & '">';
    rRow = rRow & IIf(thisRow[i] gt 0, DE(DecimalFormat(thisRow[j])), 
DE("&nbsp;")) & '</td>';
  return rRow;  // return a string

function SetValue(someNo, someAmt) {

  var aRow = ArrayNew(1);
  ArraySet(aRow, 1, 5, 0);
  switch (someNo) {
    case "082": {
      aRow[1] = someAmt;
    case "126": {
      aRow[2] = someAmt;
    case "153": {
      aRow[3] = someAmt;
    case "176": {
      aRow[4] = someAmt;
    case "301": {
      aRow[5] = someAmt;
  return aRow; // return an array

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