How important is rapid prototyping vs a detailed software development plan?  We 
are a small group of programmers in an environment that does not yet have a 
fixed development methodology.  Projects are currently assigned to an 
individual programmer to do with as he/she best can.  So, I would say this 
leans us to the favor the rapid while we develop a better overall development 
methodology.  But, each sides says theirs is faster, is there any way to 
objectively measure this?

Does your development staff have a particular expertise?
Well, two of us are long time CF developers, one is a long time Visual Basic 
but new to web developer and one is newish to both CF and ASP.NET.

Has your business logic or modules already been developed for your industry in 
a particular language?
Well the reason this organization originally went with CF was that the major 
tool was written on CF, that tool as apparently now being reworked into .NET so 
we got a .NET guy.  Now they are thinking we need to consolidate to one, but 
which one is open to debate. 

Do you need to interface with other data systems?
YES, and I believe ever more so in the future as we start creating data 
connections with our clients.

Particular file formats? 
No, we use a wide range for file formats.

How important is "state".
Nothing that has presented a problem in current development.

What are the existing hardware/software constraints?
We have a mix of UNIS and Windows boxes, but all the web servers are currently 

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

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