> "You wind up with all this controller code spread through hundreds of pages
> / components"
> What does that mean? Controller code? 

Er..controller code is what's in your code-behind.  See

Microsoft itself acknowledges that page-controller (code behind) may
not be suitable for complex applications, and even provides a tutorial
on how to replace it with a front controller:


> You write a page that does one small
> section of your entire application, and you use code-behind to abstract the
> business logic from the presentation. 

That's 2 out of the 3 things you should be doing, and exactly why I
think ASP.NET is so widely misused.

You should write a page that does one small thing, but the code-behind
should _not_ abstract the business logic.

The business logic should be in a separate class entirely, one that
has no knowledge ASP.NET all (not even how to spell it!).  Your
code-behind should act as a controller, interacting with that class,
not performing that class's duty.

> "And most "regular application"s are scary!
> What's so scary about writing an application?  I don't mean to be snide, but
> it sounds like you haven't figured out how to break up the application into
> smaller sub-applications.

I figured it out a long time ago, and realized it was a bad idea
shortly afterwords.  Breaking your application into an API is much
more powerful.

> "A lot of VB apps I've seen are very anti-architecture"
> So what?  There's plenty of good ones, and there are plenty of bad ones.
> But one point I'll concede - I've never seen a poorly written CF
> application... wait a second, there was that one...

Right-o, there's crap code out there in every language imaginable. 
ASP.NET, however, makes it easier to re-use some of the crappy Win32
development techniques on the web.

> "(redneck voice: "Hey y'all, we'll just stick the logic on this here
> button's OnClick!")"
> So you don't like event-based architecture?  Go look at Mach-II then ask Mr.
> Corfield what he thinks about it.  

I like event-based architecture.  I don't like seeing it abused as it
is by ASP.NET developers sticking their business logic into things
like a button's OnClick.

Why should I ask Sean what he thinks about it?  He's a busy guy, and
his blog is easy enough to read: 

> "IMHO, ASP.NET is a great technical achievement that got blemished when
> MS's marketing group realized they could sell it as "VB for Web apps,"
> Gee whiz, some of us don't even use VB to write apps.  Lordy, I use c-Sharp.

Well, at least we agree on something.  VB.NET gives me convulsions,
but I think C# is a wonderful language.

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