> From: E C list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Thanks everyone who responded.  I am going to follow up on 
> your suggestions and see if these ideas will match our needs.
> Michael, I am not sure what Microsoft means, but their 
> sharepoint website home page and the download area both state 
> that sharepoint is free if you have 2003 Server (which I 
> do)...but on another page it actually gives pricing.  I guess 
> I only see what I want to see...but it does say more than 
> once things like "There is no additional charge for Windows 
> SharePoint Services."  But I guess maybe there are extra 
> charges for CALs...I am not sure I wish they'd make their 
> pricing schemes easier to digest.

I wish I could give you more information on Sharepoint pricing. I could
ask the network engineers here for a quick run down on pricing as based
on our relationship with MS (gold partners).


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