On 7/21/05, Plunkett, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have any information on how to patch ColdFusion running as a
> J2EE server inside JRun?  I have a server with six ColdFusion instances, and
> I can't figure out how to patch it.
> I downloaded cfmx_61update_java.jar from
> http://www.macromedia.com/support/coldfusion/downloads_updates.html, but
> when I run it I get the following error:
> Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
> cfmx_61update_java.jar
> And I'm not sure that that is what I need anyway.
> Any thoughts or resources?  As a worst case, I suppose I can do all the
> individual patches instead of the updater.

Are you saying that you're using MX 6.0 right now, and not 6.1? If
you're on 6.0, do not just install each individual hotfix, as there
were some significant improvements made in the official 6.1 updater
that no individual hotfix contains.

What Operating System are you deploying on? The version you downloaded
is only for non-supported platforms (i.e., Mac). If you're on Windows,
Linux, Solaris, etc., there are specific downloads for each OS type,
found here:


Did you use these instructions to install the Updater?


If you're already using MX 6.1, then you simply need to download each
post-6.1 hotfix and unzip the jar file into your
{jrun_root}/servers/lib directory and restart each instance. Some of
the TechNotes for each hotfix might have other instructions if it's
not a simply jar file, but this is the general process.

Hope this helps?


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