For pure-static, let the graphics guys do it in Photoshop and generate
a JPG.  Once the layout's accepted, then we slice it up and make an
HTML version (using CFE or DW) to view different pages with different
layouts under the same theme.  That HTML will become the core of the
real app's UI, so we get almost 100% reuse out of it. Takes a little
longer to create it than it might take you with VS.NET, but once the
static layout is accepted, we generally don't have a whole lot of
changes to make to it, so we think it's worth the risk of the extra
work, because in the long run it's usually faster.

We also use a bastardized wireframing tool for playing with program
flow, but that's usually reserved for complex pieces of an app, not
entire apps.  And even then, it's usually an internal tool we use to
keep things straight, rather than something the client is involved


On 8/1/05, Chuck Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm curious as to what tool other CF'rs use to "prototype" their CF
> applications for proposing XYZ to the client.  I've seen some use Photoshop &
> Fireworks, Dreamweaver is of course an option.  This may sound odd but, I've
> found MS Visual Studio's "Grid Layout" to be an attractive option as I can
> drag/drop all UI to where I want in record time and the interface is
> web-based versus graphics.  Being the CF programmer that I am - after the
> non-functional prototype is accepted, it's archived and I begin development
> with CF (prefer Dreamweaver as code editor).  I'm sure many would say (maybe
> not on this list), "why build in VS and not follow through w/ coding"?
> I prefer CF, though VS (using grid layout) "currently" serves my purposes for
> "non-functional" prototypes.
> What do you use for prototyping?  Am open to other options ... perhaps their's
> a plug-in for CFEclipse?
> Regards,
> Chuck

Barney Boisvert

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