Come on micha tell us how dhtml would do it so much better ;)

 Also, last time i checked cfform was coldfusion and not flex, while yes it 
uses a SMALL flex engine it's exactly that a small flex engine and i certainly 
wouldn't say that example is an equal comparable item to a real flex one.

 " Expanding and collapsing brings my dual core system on its knees"
 What are you running? Barbies Malibu pc? Runs fine on my mac just fine.

 I maybe negitive towards m$ but damn do you look at the bright side 
of.......,  well anything at all?
 You remind me of my dad, "mr. negitivity".

 " For small widgets"
 you mean like kodaks photoshare or flickr, yes very small indeed.

~Dave the disruptor~
"A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital 
to form a corporation." 

 Micha Schopman Short Link: Mike, They have 
delivered a wonderful piece of work, but I must say that this real world 
example shows again, why Flex is not mature yet for full blown applications in 
the browser. Expanding and collapsing brings my dual core system on its knees, 
not to mention resizing the window resulting in the exact same effect. 
Scrolling the grid with the handle on a 3Ghz CPU has the exact same effect. 
Either way, they did a great job and I applaud what they did, but it doesn't 
position Flex in my eyes as THE tool for building truly Rich Internet 
Applications, ... not yet. For small widgets, are as GUI enhancements it is 
ready though.

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