Not a bug, depending on how you look at it, but a feature.  Documented here

Never noticed about these special fields not being in the form.fieldname list.  
But there is a reason fields ending in _date, _integer, _required, ect. are 
specially handled.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

....-----Original Message-----
....From: Dharmendar Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
....Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:04 PM
....To: CF-Talk
....Subject: RE: Missing value in the Form.Fieldnames variable
....I have noticed this too
....Form.Fieldnames variable gives wrong results if you have a field name
....ends with "date". So if you have a field called "s_date" - the
....form.FIELDNAMES variable will not have that as a value.
....Looks like a bug... i just renamed my fields and it worked.
....-----Original Message-----
....From: Tom McNeer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
....Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 4:33 PM
....To: CF-Talk
....Subject: Missing value in the Form.Fieldnames variable
....Just curious if anyone else has experienced this:
....I was looping over the fields of a submitted form using the
....Form.Fieldnames variable, and I noticed that there were missing
....When I looped over StructKeyList(form), the fieldnames were all there.
....I couldn't find any commonality among the missing fields except that
....they contained date values (or empty strings, for omitted date
....values). Both had been run through the cfform validate=date routine.
....Or more correctly, both fields had those routines assigned, although
....values were not required in the fields. I don't know if this had any
....impact on the missing fields or not, but they were the only ones
....This was on a server running CFMX 6.1.
....Has anyone seen this behavior, or have any thoughts on why it might
....have occurred?
....Tom McNeer
....530 Means St NW, Suite 110
....Atlanta, GA 30318

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