Have to second this one.  Just like Flash, building DHTML/JS Remoting
apps is a lot of work.  If you've got a large HTML-based UI already,
however, there are often places where some simple remoting calls can
make a HUGE difference in percieved performance and user friendliness.

As an example, a page where you have a list of items that you can
check one or more, and the do "something" to them.  You often want to
do multiple actions to the same set of items, and if you perform the
action behind the scenes, the user can just call each action in
sequence without waiting for page refreshes or having to recheck the

Another place is form validation for stuff that can only be validated
server-side.  For example, uniqueness of incoming usernames. 
Ordinarily you check for the presence of a value with JS, and then
submit to the server for the unqueness check, and possibly return the
user to the form to pick a different (unique) username.  With a JS
Remoting call, you can make that uniqueness check as part of the JS
validation.  Still have to check server-side, of course, but doing it
client-side makes for a much nicer user experience.


On 8/9/05, Dawson, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are currently working on a small project to test AJAX feasibility for
> us.  We found that it is a great deal of work compared to simple page
> refreshes.  However, the stuff is very cool and has some great
> potential.
> We do not use web services, so to speak.  I created a simple page that
> returns an XML packet to the AJAX request.  Simple and very effective.
> M!ke

Barney Boisvert

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