Connie DeCinko wrote:

> So what is the best Rich Text editor today, for those of who need to build
> our own simple CMS?  I keep hearing FCK lately, but until recently never
> heard of it.  Others I have heard about, seems no one talks about anymore.

We're moving from soeditor (having finally given up waiting for the new 
version) to fckeditor, which seems to be as good as any others we've 
evaluated. None of them do exactly what we want but fckeditor is as good 
as any, being open source, allows us to hack it as required.

Our changes will be sent back to them when they're remotely complete but 
FYI the changes to date are:

* allow available styles to be extracted from a database table

* enable the code (especially the image browser) to be easily shared in 
our linux hosting environment

* rewrite the image browser and its associated XMLHttpRequest connector 
to play nicely with our MySQL/mod_perl/ImageMagick image management system

* as I write, I'm rewriting the link browser to integrate with our CMS

The last two items won't likely be of direct interest to anyone but us, 
but will hopefully provide a template for anyone else wanting to do 
similar hacks.

Pete Jordan
Horus Web Engineering Ltd

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