Here are the names we've come up with so far (with my personal comments):

DPXL: ("Depressed Press Transfer Language") - the professional side of me is
leaning here.  It puts my company right in the name!  But how smart is it to
put a trademark in the name of something you're open-sourcing?

DEML: [dimmel] "Data Expression (or exchange) ML" - I like the fact that it
can pronounced... for some reason I think that's important.

XDL: "XML Data Language" is taken.  "eXpression Definition Language"

XDF: "XML Data Format" is taken.  "eXtensible Data Format" which describes
scientific data.

XIL: "XML Information Language" - Pronounceable - I like that!  But
pronounced it's "zill" - that just sounds slurred.  It's also taken by the
"XML Import Language" (which is kinda neat actually).

XIF: "XML Information Format" - Pronounceable as well - and it sounds better
said that "zill".  Nice and peppy: "Ziff!"  Of course the main problem is
that is ALSO taken!  "XML Interchange Format" (made by MS).

XIEF: "XML Information Exchange Format" - I like the sound ("Zife!")... but
it's harder to say as letters ("ex eye ee eff").  Not a big deal but I'm

Rosetta: Doesn't stand for nothing.  I still kinda like this.  Easy to
remember, indicative and organic.  However not very original: they're
probably 100 other things called "Rosetta".

I'm really leaning towards a non-abbreviated word... something that means
"move" or "transfer" but maybe even with a sense of irony or humor.
"Wormhole" perhaps?    "DataSphincter"? 

Or perhaps a fun abbreviation? "STAPOD" (Specification That Allows Passing
Of Data)?  "MOPD" (Method of Passing Data)? "NARDS" (No Assembly Required
Data Specification)?  (This has the benefit that, if it takes off, I may
someday hear somebody say "Were you able to parse my NARDS?")

Damn... I should spend as much time code as I do on picking what to call

Jim Davis

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