>>template and then let the template know whether or not it can go ahead
>>and perform the requested entitlement.
> I think this is where I'm losing you.  I see no difference between "groups"
> and "tasks" in this.

Ok, I think I figured out where we're getting mixed up.  I come from 
windows administration land, so I am thinking about the setup a bit 

When I say groups, I mean that I am creating real groups w/ group IDs in 
a database table and assigning users to those groups.  I am not talking 
about logical groupings of users and calling those groupings "roles" or 
"entitlements" - those are two different things and I think that's where 
we're getting mixed up.

I have specifically created tables that keep track of what users are 
part of what groups.  So, here are some of my groups:

Message Mods
Organization Mods

Users are then assigned into each of those groups utilizing a 
many-to-many relationship.  I can then assign groups to resources 
instead of assigning individual users to resources.  This is standard 
windows administration practice because it makes for easier user admin. 
  Now whether this is the best strategy for web app security, that's 
another thing, but I'm giving it a try anyways.

Now, my basic system currently works like this.  I have a table that 
stores all the files on my site (they are uniquely named) and what 
groups are allowed to access each of those files.  When a user requests 
a file, my cf_security tag (which is inserted at the beginning of every 
template) does a lookup to see what groups are allowed to access that 
file and then if the user is a member of one of those groups, it allows 
the user to access the file.  If not, it will halt execution and go to 
an "access denied" template.

Now, the only real permission (using windows lingo) that any user has 
with my basic system is execute.  They either have permission to execute 
the file or not.

Taking this a step further, I wanted to allow myself to assign other 
permissions (read, write, display, concatenate, jump, fly, whatever) to 
templates based on the actions that those templates might perform.

So, in the user template, I need to edit/modify/delete users, and in the 
message template, I need to edit/post/delete messages.  I wanted to take 
those permissions and bring control of each of them into the security 
system and allow myself to assign groups to *each* of those permissions 
on a per-template basis to really granularize the system.

So, when a template is built, permissions need for that template are 
registered in the database and access is controlled by assigned groups 
to each of those permissions for that template.  Is it overkill, maybe, 
maybe not.  It's obviuosly not overkill for windows because people use 
file-level permissions all the time.  I'm building a big application 
that is going to need a lot of different security contexts so making it 
very flexible and robust is key.

Now, In my other emails I've gone over the nitty gritty of how I've 
programmed my current system and how I plan to program my newer concept, 
but the description above is the overall idea of how it will work.  The 
ultimate goal here is to have a central security system where every 
permission in every template can be manged from a GUI.  There will be no 
references to users or groups within the templates that are doing the 
actual processing.  All the template cares about is whether it has 
permission to do something or not, and it's the cf_security tag 
(inserted at the top of every template) that tells the template what 
it's allowed to do (based on the pre-registered permissions for that 


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