Ok I will use a CFLOCK and CFTransaction for the data processing.

At present all the data entered in the form is stored as session
variables, which enables the form to be split up over several screens
which works well.

 <cfinput name="jobdesc" size="50" required="Yes" message="Please
provide the job description" value="#SESSION.app.jobdesc#"

The final option below I am trying to implement into the form and am
just looking for ideas on how this can best be achieved using

If the users have logged in as a member, they have the ability to save a
partially completed online application and complete it later (by
clicking the 'Finish Later' button at the bottom of the form)

How would this be best achieved ?

Would you save the form field session variables entered on the form into
a database table with a relationship to the members table ?  

If so when the user returns to the form to complete it what would be the
best way of ensuring that the data returned from the database table to
populate the form fields works in conjunction with the
value="#SESSION.app.jobdesc#" that is set on the form fields by default
that enables the form to be split over several screens ?



-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Traher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 September 2005 15:56
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Session Variables in CFMX 7

Hi Ian, Here are a few ideas regarding this.
 Best deal with session variables within a CFLOCK statement (see docs
for details of possible race conditions) and therefore a useful way to
go about this is to copy any session structures to the request scope on
each request.
 I have a similar 'wizard' style process and I create a structure
cflock) session.wizard
 For each wizard step I create session.wizard.stepN (where N is step
 I then duplicate this structure to the request scope so that I can
forget about locking from now on.
 In each form page I CFPARAM request.wizard.stepN.formfieldN for all my
form fields for this step with any default values.
 When the form is submitted I cfloop thru the form structure and copy
the form values to the request.wizard.stepN.formfieldN values. Finally I
duplicate the request scope to the session scope inside a CFLOCK so the
values are remembered to the next request.
 In terms of keeping this data in some way, you might consider using
CFWDDX which can convert complex CFML variables (like your wizard
structure) and convert them to a XML string. You could then write this
string to a file or database. CFWDDX can then be used to convert it back
again. There are many ways to store this data but this in my mind would
be the neatest.

 On 9/5/05, Ian Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi
> I am starting constructing a form using session variables for multiple

> page data entry which works fine.
> However I would like to add the facility of a 'SAVE AND RETURN' later 
> option.
> So for example the user can start completing the form but can return 
> at a later date to complete the form before it is submitted.
> What would be the best way to achieve this ?
> My current form is shown below
> <!--- Total Number of Steps in the Wizard --->
> <cfset numberofsteps = 3>
> <!--- The SESSION.app structure holds users entries --->
> <!--- As they move through wizard. Make sure it exists! --->
> <cfif not isdefined("SESSION.app")>
> <!--- If the structure is undefined, create or initialize it
> --->
> <CFSET SESSION.app = structnew()>
> <!--- The code below represents the users progress in the wizard
> --->
> <cfset SESSION.app.stepNum = 1>
> <!--- We will collect these from the user; start as blank values
> --->
> <cfset SESSION.app.jobtitle = "">
> <cfset SESSION.app.jobdesc = "">
> <cfset SESSION.app.salary = "">
> </cfif>
> <!--- If user just submitted jobtitle, remember it --->
> <!--- Do same for the directorID, Actors and so on --->
> <cfif isDefined("FORM.jobtitle")>
> <cfset SESSION.app.jobtitle = Form.jobtitle> <cfset 
> SESSION.app.jobdesc = Form.jobdesc> <cfelseif 
> isDefined("FORM.salary")> <cfset SESSION.app.salary = Form.salary> 
> </cfif>
> <!--- If user clicked the 'Back' button, go back a step ---> <cfif 
> isDefined("FORM.goBack")> <cfset SESSION.app.stepnum = URL.stepNum - 
> 1>
> <!--- However if the user clicked 'Next' go forward one ---> <cfelseif

> isDefined("FORM.goNext")> <cfset SESSION.app.stepnum = URL.stepNum + 
> 1>
> <!--- If the user has finished, were complete ---> <cfelseif 
> isDefined("FORM.goDone")> <cflocation url="idvprocess.cfm"> </cfif>
> <html>
> <head><title>Test</title></head>
> <body>
> <!--- Show title and current step --->
> <cfoutput>
> <b>TEST FORM</b><br />
> Step #SESSION.app.stepNum# of #numberofsteps# <br /> </cfoutput>
> <cfform action="idv.cfm?StepNum=#session.app.StepNum#" method="POST">
> <!--- Display the appropriate wizard step ---> <cfswitch 
> expression="#session.app.stepNum#">
> <!--- STEP 1 : Movie Title --->
> <cfcase value="1">
> <!--- Get potential film ratings from database ? --->
> <!--- Show text entry field for title ---> Job Title<br> <cfinput 
> name="jobtitle" size="50" required="Yes" message="Please enter a job 
> title" value="#SESSION.app.jobtitle#"> <p> What is the job description

> ?
> </p><br />
> <cfinput name="jobdesc" size="50" required="Yes" message="Please 
> provide the job description" value="#SESSION.app.jobdesc#">
> </cfcase>
> <cfcase value="2">
> <cfinput name="salary" size="50" required="Yes" message="Please 
> provide the pitch text first" value="#SESSION.app.salary#"> </cfcase>
> <cfcase value="3">
> You have successfully finished the form </cfcase> </cfswitch>
> <p>
> <cfif SESSION.app.stepNum gt 1>
> <INPUT type="submit" Name="goBack" value="&lt;&lt; Back"> </cfif>
> <cfif SESSION.app.stepnum lt numberofSteps> <INPUT type="submit" 
> Name="goNext" value="Next &gt;&gt;"> <cfelse> <INPUT type="submit" 
> Name="goDone" value="Finish">
> </cfif>
> </cfform>
> </body>
> </html>

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