I have found I can't get a CFFORM (flash version) to work on the production 
server, even though it works fine in the dev environment. There's some 
script source issue, so to get around it for now, I've uploaded the scripts 
from the CFIDE folder into the site, and used the SCRIPTSRC="" attribute in 
the CFFORM tag to reference them.
 However, the only way I can get them to work is to type in the relative 
path to the new scripts folder - If I use a ColdFusion mapping the form 
doesn't work. This means it's useless to have a set of the forms used on the 
site in a "forms" folder to be included in any page that needs them, because 
there is no guarantee the relative path to the scripts will be right. 
 Am I understanding this correctly or is there something else that I'm 
getting wrong and not seeing it? Can the CFFORM tag really never have an 
absolute path like a CFC and a CFINCLUDE can??? How else could I handle this 
so that the SCRIPTSRC can be a dynamic variable, thereby allowing me to 
re-use forms around the site in various locations?
 This begs the main question though - does anyone have any idea why our 
standard almost-default installation on a shared host wouldn't let the 
CFFORM tag find the scripts it needs for flash forms?? (or more pertinent, I 
suppose is the question .. what should we do about it?)

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET <http://ASP.NET> hosting from AUD$15/month

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