> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:24 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: security suggestions?
> We have a potential customer that is a bank (a small local one).  They
> want to be able to have people fill out a loan application online, but
> are worried about security, etc.  Other than using a secure certificate
> and SQL Server, are there any other considerations I should give to
> security?  Sorry this is such a broad question, but I really don't know
> any other things I should be worrying about.
> Here's a list that I've thought out, but this is all really elemntary
> stuff:

Just some comments (you may already know this but I find a lot of people
saying these things are "security" related without knowing why):
> Use cfqueryparam always

Understand that this is only a "security" measure because of the type
validation provided and the inability to create SQL injection attacks.
Regardless of CFQUERYPARAM you should take care to construct your data
access in a such as way as to be "removed" from your interface.

Information entered in the interface should never be used to populate a data
call without first going through a validation filter.  While CFQUERYPARAM
makes for a decent validation filter I greatly prefer the addition of a
true, componentized filter as well.

> Use POST vs GET

The only real problem here is that a GET may be bookmarked or kept in
browser history.  Under SSL BOTH POSTs and GETs are passed via the secure

> Use SQL Server

This doesn't really add any security... all databases are only as secure as
their configuration.  In general you should never allow a database to exist
in a "downloadable" area (as when people place Access files within the web
server root).

You should also severely limit access to the data... a more "professional"
DBMS like SQL Server makes this easier but still, you must actually do it.

I recommend, if the system design allows, making the web database user who
writes the data not be allowed to read it.  You might allow that user access
to certain procedures which could read some of the information... but having
the user be a "one way" gate can increase security somewhat (if the username
and password for that user is compromised no personal data can be obtained
using it).

> Use SSL

Definitely.  SSL has some overhead (it's not cheap to encrypt/decrypt) but
for any small sites it's negligible.  

> Only allow retireval of data via the web site, not send any info in emails

That depends.  Secure email (using something PGP) may be more secure that
allowing access from the site (what's more likely to be hacked?)

You may also have two sites: one hosted and accessible only on an internal
network.  The public site could update the data but not read it, the
internal site could do both.

> ???

There some other technical ideas to consider:

1) If your application contains sensitive information you might want to host
it within a pop-up window, closing the window when you're done.  This
eliminates the possibility that somebody could come along and "back button"
to the personal information.

It also adds the possibility that people with pop-up blockers will not see
the form.  And it pretty much requires JavaScript to do it right.

Also note that features like this are to protect the user from themselves,
not the company.  It's not the companies' fault if the user is sloppy with
their information... but it can be hard to tell who's been sloppy when a
leak occurs.

2) You might want to encrypt the information on the database... but this is
a little overkill-ish.  However if you can't secure the database as much as
you'd like it can be a good measure.

In this case an application would be needed to get the information (like,
say, an internal web application).

3) Do you actually need to store in the information at all?  Could, for
example, the web site collection the data, convert it to a secure
(encrypted) email and send it directly the loan officer?

You might store some, non-specific aggregate information on the database but
the custom data would be sent directly to the only person that needed it and
would not be available if the web site were compromised.

More broadly there are some business issues to consider:

1) Ensure that the customer (via a Privacy Policy) knows how their
information will be used and what recourse they have.  Legally (at least in
some states) the custom must has full disclosure about the information
accepted, what's done with it and so forth.

A system must also be put into place (and publicized in your privacy policy)
how a customer may have their information removed from your system.

For most of this check in the "Platform for Privacy Policy" (PPP - it's a
W3C spec).  IBM offers a free tool to generate compliant privacy statements
and compact statements (used for cookies).

2) Determine who needs access to the data and put procedures in place to
protect it.  In other words if you (the web developer) don't specifically
need access to the end customer data then you shouldn't have it (you may be
allowed to see test or dev data of course).

One of the easiest ways to set yourself for a lawsuit is having or giving
more access than you need to get your job done.  This is especially true
with any HIPA-related information.

For example if the loan application asks about health issues then the
information may fall under HIPA.  (We see this at the office all the time
with life insurance and disability policies.)

3) In the same vein as the above discuss with your client and strongly
encourage them to limit the information needed online to the barest minimum.
Don't use the system for "marketing fishing" and ask for more information
than you need.

For one thing any use of the information other than that for which it was
provided may be illegal.  For another the more information you have the more
information is at risk.

Again this is also the reason that you must be explicit about who has
access.  Marketing will want the information (let's say) but may not use it
properly - that leaves the company open for legal action.  However if
marketing has access then the customer (via the privacy policy) must be made
aware that they'll have it and that they might use it.

So you start by limiting it as much as possible and then opening it up
(adding access, updating the customer disclosure, etc) slowly.

Sorry for the lecture... I guess 10 years in the insurance industry has
sucked all the fun right out of me.  ;^)

Jim Davis

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application


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