Actually I heard it first hand from the guy who had to drag him up to his
room. I was there, you were not. I also don't see how public drunkeness is
so great. What a waste of brain cells.

 On 10/20/05, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Fred Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:50 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: When will Dave Watts finally blog?
> >
> > Dave was not drunk in private, Dave was passed out drunk IN PUBLIC. And
> I
> > thought MAX was a professional conference. Sure, everyone has a few
> beers,
> > lets their hair down, but to pass out drunk in a hotel lobby bar is in
> > extremely poor taste and shows a lack of professionalism. Who else had
> to
> > be
> > drug up to their room and put to bed? He's lost any respect I might have
> > had
> > for him.
> Actually that was just a pretty simple bug... you see he wrote:
> <cfset Beers = 0 />
> <cfset Drunk = 10 />
> <cfloop condition="NOT Beers GT Drunk">
> <cfset Beers = Beers + 1 />
> </cfloop>
> When he should have made the condition "Beers LT Drunk". It's a simple
> mistake, see?
> But seriously you may also want to be sure of your facts before publicly
> announcing them. I don't know what happened but at the Max 2002 event I
> was
> accused of being "passed out drunk" in the lobby when in fact I was
> suffering from food poisoning. (I don't drink.)
> Dave may have been drunk (nights at Max get pretty wild at the best of
> times) and he may not have been. In any case it doesn't sound like you
> were
> there.
> You're entitled to your opinion of course, but the old adage that if you
> can't say anything nice, don't say anything might just apply here.
> Jim Davis

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