You can also use the same <cfif> statement to display a text message on your
page incase JS is not on.


And to be picky...


<cfif not logon.recordcount>


      <cfsavecontent variable="js">

            <script type="text/javascript">

                  alert("Invalid Login Message");




      <cfhtmlhead text="#js#" />


      <div style="color:red;">Invalid Login Message</div>


      <cfinclude template= "display_login_page.cfm" />




      User logged in.




This code ensures that the javascript block is between the <head></head>
tags and will also give you a non-js message to make sure the message is
seen by ‘everyone’.




Bobby Hartsfield




-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Hanlon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 5:26 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF/JavaScript help on signup


<cfif not logon.recordcount>

    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

      alert("In-Valid Login Message");


    <cfinclude template= "display_login_page.cfm">



hth Elena


Charlie Hanlon

Web Apps Developer

Food Service Enablers, Inc.


The People. The Platform. The Products.

Make the Difference




----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Aminova, Elena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "CF-Talk" <>

Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 5:20 PM

Subject: CF/JavaScript help on signup



> Please advise what I can do in Cold Fusion, perhaps using JavaScript?

> I have a login page and on it, I need when the user enters wrong

> username and/or password which don't match up in the DB, I need to pop

> up or display a user friendly message that the entry does not match up,

> doesn't matter what the message is. Right now I just do this in the

> login processing page:


> <cfif not logon.recordcount>(logon is the query that checks the DB if

> there are any records with the form inputed username and password)

> <!--- Need to display or Pop up a message that the users username and

> password dont match/ are not correct --->

> <cfinclude template= "display_login_page.cfm">

> <cfabort>




> Thanks.


> Elena




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