Look at Twister from Software.com. It isn't free, they don't have an NT
version, but will scale like you want it too. Using news as the backend and
a web interface is the best solution to discussion forums. Moreover it gives
you the flexibility of using a News client or web browser.

 - Steve

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Connolly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 5:00 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Any web-based message board software that can do this?

Have you looked at Allaire Forums?

It'll support most of your requirements.

I'm unsure about limitations on the application.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lawrence B. Afrin, M.D. [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 28 September 2000 04:30
> To:   CF-Talk
> Subject:      Any web-based message board software that can do this?
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --------------CD01BFD9EB790CB195C41678
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Howdy --
> I have been looking for (preferably but not necessarily commercial)
> web-based message board software that meets certain specific
> requirements.  I have looked at more than 20 packages but still have
> come up empty-handed.  If anybody knows of any packages that can meet
> these requirements, I'd sure appreciate it if you would clue me in.
> 1) Supports an essentially unlimited number of forums and users
> (approximately 250,000 new forums and users will be created each year).
> 2) Because of (1), pricing must be either a flat (reasonable ;-) fee for
> unlimited use, or literally no more than a few pennies per forum and/or
> user.
> 3) Web-based *and* programmatic interfaces for creating new forums, new
> users, and assigning permissions for users to access forums and for
> subscribing users to forums.
> 4) E-mail notification of a forum's subscribed users that a new message
> has been posted to the forum; the e-mail must contain a URL that will
> get a subscribed user *directly* to the new message (after the user's
> userid/password have been entered), not just to the forum's listing of
> messages.  It is imperative that the e-mail notification *not* contain
> the actual forum posting.
> 5) Although this should be transparent to the package, it's an absolute
> requirement so I'll mention it anyway: all sessions with the web-based
> message board must be in secure (SSL, https://...) mode.
> 6) Access to any forum requires user authentication.  Default
> authentication mechanism can be internal, but hooks must be present to
> allow external user authentication mechanism if desired.
> 7) There must be hooks to allow external processing every time a message
> is posted to any forum.
> 8) Postings can be made to a forum via the web or e-mail.
> 9) Full audit trail of *all* activity throughout the message board,
> preferably with audit trail reporting and analysis tools included.
> 10) Front-end (i.e., design of the web pages seen by the user) must be
> customizable by the system administrator.  Customizability need only
> apply to the look and feel of the overall site, not necessarily to the
> individual forum/user.
> Thanks for any help you can provide!
> -- Larry Afrin, M.D.
>    Medical University of South Carolina
> --------------CD01BFD9EB790CB195C41678
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> n:Afrin, M.D.;Lawrence
> tel;fax:843-792-3200
> tel;work:843-792-4271
> x-mozilla-html:FALSE
> org:Hollings Cancer Center and the Division of Hematology/Oncology,
> Medical University of South Carolina
> version:2.1
> email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> title:Assistant Professor of Medicine
> adr;quoted-printable:;;Division of Hematology/Oncology, CSB903=0D=0AP.O.
> Box 250623, 96 Jonathan Lucas Street;Charleston;SC;29425;USA
> x-mozilla-cpt:;0
> fn:Afrin, M.D., Lawrence
> end:vcard
> --------------CD01BFD9EB790CB195C41678--
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
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