Let's say I'm searching book titles in a database.

I want to find "The Red Tent".
However, in the database, it's listed as "Red Tent, The".

search books
where Title like '%#formtitle#%'

So, the following will find it:
"Red Tent"

The exact title "The Red Tent" won't.

1. What's the best way to exclude common words from what's entered in 
the form field.

2. How would I do something a little more comparitive?
    Assume the book title is actually "The Big Fat Tent that is Red"
    and if I enter "Red Tent" into the search field, I'd like
    it to come up.

The only thing I can think of here would be to take each word entered 
into the form field - "The Red Tent" - put them in a list - "The, Red, 
Tent" - and then do a search for the terms in the list. Any other ideas?

A verity search will NOT work in this case, as there's a ton of other 
tables with joins and all sorts of other rotten stuff involved...

Les Mizzell

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