We just rolled out mx 7.1 on win 2.3k, Fusebox 4.1. It's a simple
application, just content management with 150-200k views a day.

Without fail that mx server hangs in under 24 hours. Here is the evidence we
have found.

I started app. Server at the command line: 

When I peep'd in while it was hung it was dumping out the following:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Request timed out waiting for an available
thread to run. You may want to consider increasing the number of active
threads in the thread pool.

This is repeated, again and again. 

NOTE: found some articles suggesting ideas on this, turn of debug (done),
make sure db is responding (appears to be). Adjust some of the jrun.xml
settings (appears to already be done in 7.1)

Perf Mon. 
went back to before the crash, the only thing odd is the data seems to miss
a beat nearing the crash and some data seems off the chart. But when we
examine logs we see no burst of traffic. I exported the perf. Mon data and
don't see any bursts.

Did a stack dump while it was hung found a ton of these:

"jrpp-108" prio=5 tid=0x04430d60 nid=0x1b08 in Object.wait()
        at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
        - waiting on <0x172c0fa8> (a jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$Throttle)
        at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$Throttle.enter(ThreadPool.java:107)
        - locked <0x172c0fa8> (a jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$Throttle)
        at jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:66)

Whole log: http://icc.getfused.com/out.txt

We have tried moving app. To a 2nd 7.1 and win 2.3k server.. Same issue. We
moved the db to another machine, same issue. No other sites using the db
seem to be having any issues.

Anyone have any thoughts? Im about to toss in the towel and call adobe and
burn 500.00 clams. Any help would be apprecaited, if it saves me the 500.00
then a shopping spree at Amazon could be in your future.



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