I'm interested to know what happens in SQL+ or Toad if you run:

select 404 from proposals
I mean, am I understanding you right that you have a column in a 
database named 404 (or some other number)??? I would expect, given 5 
results from the above query, that you would get:
| --| ---- |
| 1 | 404 |
| 2 | 404 |
| 3 | 404 |
| 4 | 404 |
| 5 | 404 |
| --| ---- |

no matter what the values in that column actually ARE.


M wrote:

>All incredibly valid points!
>Unfortunately very short on time. . .they (faculty) need to start grading
>these things  tomorrow evening.  Starting closer to the beginning we
>currently have the following:
>1) oracle database
>2) one table containing the proposals -- proposalid, readinggroup, proposal
>details, status (saved - submitted)
>3) one table containing reader info -- readerid, login, password,
>What we need:
>1)One table designed to hold all grades, for either group -- either together
>or separately
>2) A form that can contain the correct information regarding the grades
>currently in the grades table for a given reader in a given reading group.
>Pathetic, isn't it?  :-(  I know its sad, but I want to learn how to fix
>On 11/29/05, Ken Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>What database are you using? You need to name those columns differently.
>>In MySQL, even if you do a straight select on a column named "404", it's
>>going to return 404 for every row. However, if you name that column
>>col_404, it'll return the values you're looking for. I think you've got
>>a larger architectural problem here though. Why do you have these
>>dynamic column names in the first place? This can all be represented
>>much better in the database. You'd have a far easier time with your app
>>and it'd work more efficiently if you reworked your db design to
>>eliminate this nastiness. You're using a relational database for a
>>reason -- so you can maintain the relationships between your data. You
>>need to be taking advantage of that with joined tables rather than
>>faking the funk with dynamically named columns in a table.
>>Molly Abraham wrote:
>>>It does and it doesn't. . .cannot figure out why. . . it seems to work. .
>>but only returns the column name:
>>><cfquery name="getindiv" datasource="sotl">
>>>select #i# as grade
>>>from grades06
>>>where readerid = #session.readerid#
>>>      <td><cfoutput>#getindiv.grade#</cfoutput> (the column name --
>>ex:  404) is returned. . .not the value of '2' it contains.
>>>getindiv (Datasource=sotl, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\Webpub\Wwwroot\ @
>>>select 404 as grade
>>>from grades06
>>>where readerid = 2
>>>Any more ideas??  Hugely grateful, but still apparently terminally slow.
>>. .

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