I figured I'd move this to cf-talk and hear some comments=2E Anyone care t= 

Original Message: 
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 14:47:00 -0500 
Subject: RE: Needed: A Contractor or Two 

Original Message: 
From: Doug Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 14:21:31 -0500 
Subject: RE: Needed: A Contractor or Two 

>No clothes=3F! How dare you say that! I'm not naked! My clothes are me= 
>very very thin=2E =20 

Fair enough=2E :) 

>My "client" contacted me yesterday in the evening to see if I could help 
>him=2E I can't=2E I'm too busy=2E We had a 1/2 hour phone conversation= 
and I 
>got a gist of what he wants=2E=20 
>Based on that gist I sent an email to cf-jobs to try to help my "client" 
>find the right person for his needs=2E =20 

Ah=2E ok=2E :) Makes sense=2E 

>The reason I said "intimate" details is because I get emails like this: 
>I'm hoping that "intimate" detail will result in, perhaps, a few 
>paragraphs=2E Honestly, I make most of my decisions based on cover lette= 
>If the person sounds intelligent I read their resume=2E If not, I

>Actually, usually the person has provided the real information I want to 
>in their cover letter=2E The resume is filler=2E 

Good point=2E Most experience I've had with cover letters has been negativ= 
(People don't tend to read them)=2E I know my cover letter doesn't express= 
knowlege of coldfusion very well simply because I'm not a good writter in 
the sense that I write things that are engaging and enjoyable to read=2E G= 
me a technical document request though and I'm all over that mutha=2E :) 

>Regarding the rate, most developers have a standard rate=2E I do=2E Thi= 
s is 
>different than a typical full time job listing asking for your salary 
>requirements=2E If you don't want to provide this yet, go ahead and tell= 
>but explain why=2E I'm happy to listen=2E 

I'd feel unconfortable providing it to anyone for a simple reason=2E=2E 

Why does what some job I had before paid me have any revelance to the job 
you are recruiting for=3F 

You could say I'm to expensive=2E Well, it's possible that my last job pai= 
me 100,000 for a job that lasted me 1 month=2E However, that was them=2E T= 
is you=2E perhaps my last job paid me $8/hr=2E Does that mean that I am no= 
worth much or does that mean that I got massive benefits (Full medical, 
dental, 401k, stocks, company car, promise to hire on full time, private 
lear jet, etc=2E)=2E 

Asking salary on a specific job is not feasable because it depends=2E I (a= 
most of the CF programmers that I know) adjust their rate based on the 
following factors (and others)=2E=2E=2E 

1) How hard will this be to do=3F 
2) How long will this take me=3F 
3) Is this Telecommuting or on-site=3F 
4) Is there any benefits (mentioned above)=3F 
5) Will programs be offered or services be provided to help with the work 
or will I be expected to use my own tools=3F 
6) Is the person I'm working for a hands-off manager or is he a pointy 
haired boss=3F 
7) How desperite am I for work=3F 

It's a balancing act=2E Yeah, the work may be hard (causing my rates to go= 

up), but if it's a year long project and I can telecommute and they are 
offering benefits, my expected pay goes way down because of things besides= 


So, besides my old salary not being an issue, it's kind of impossible for 
me to give you an accurite bid for the project because I don't know much 
about it=2E 

Can I safely say that I'd be willing to work for 10/hr=2E - 100,00/hr=2E 
(Private jet optional) :)=3F 

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