Hi all. Long time no post. Been very busy, but as usual, making no money. :)

I'm beginning thusly.

<cfinvoke webservice 
   method ="authenticate"
    <cfinvokeargument name="strUserName" value="cfezcart">
    <cfinvokeargument name="strPassword" value="test">

Inside the wsdl file is the soap:address location element. Am I 
supposed to point that to my cfc with my methods or should I point 
that to a cfm file which in turns invokes those methods?

My main point of confusion is, I'm specifying the wsdl file with the 
web service definitions, but how and where do I access the CFC to 
return my returnVariable?

TIA for any help I can get here. If someone can just show me a sample 
of a web service that specifies a wsdl file and returns output based 
on the user input, I think I can figure this out. All of the example 
I've seen point to a cfc with the wsdl being generated dynamically.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations, Inc.

Web Based Solutions / eCommerce Development & Hosting
http://www.twcreations.com/ - http://www.cf-ezcart.com/
Toll Free: 877.207.6397 - Local & Int'l Phone/Fax: 386.789.0968

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