get rid of the ,sortorder  it should just be a space and either ASC or DES
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Tolentino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 9:54 AM
Subject: Bugged Out CFERROR -> CFMLInterpreterImp::process

> I got the following error when making a call to a custom tag.
> Here are the facts:
>   1. I know the tag works. Its been tested and other applications use.
>   2. I have tried several methods of calling the tag including the
> following:
>          - calling from the same directory using both CFMODULE and
> CF_customTag
>          - calling from a subdirectory using CFMODULE
>          - calling from coldfusions custom tag directory using
>   3. Heres the strange one. A query is passed to the Custom Tag. The tag
> works with the following query (its from of the applications using it):
>           <CFQUERY NAME="NodeListQuery" DATASOURCE="Datasource1">
>                     SELECT         Identifier AS ID, ParentNode AS
> ParentID, Name AS Label
>                     FROM             Node
>                     ORDER BY ParentNode, SortOrder
>           </CFQUERY>
>       when I change the query to pull data from another table and
> datasource it chokes. I know the data is pulling I tested it. Here is that
> query:
>           <CFQUERY NAME="NodeListQuery" DATASOURCE="GenericHelp">
>                     SELECT        Identifier AS ID, Parent AS ParentID,
> Name AS Label
>                     FROM            Topic
>                     ORDER BY ParentID, SortOrder
>           </CFQUERY>
>   4. Here is the error:
>      Error Diagnostic Information
>      unknown exception condition
>      CFMLInterpreterImp::process
> Any help on this one will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Jerry
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