Wouldn't it be smarter if Coldfusion were licensed based on number of
instances and nothing else? Basically everyone would get enterprise, but you
would only be able to run as many instances/sandboxes as you pay for. So
pricing would be something like:

- 1000$: max of 1 instance/sandbox (like CF Standard is today)
- 2000$: max of 2-5 instances/sandboxes
- 3000$: max of 5-20 instances/sandboxes
- 4000$: max of 20-50 instances/sandboxes
- 5000$: unlimited instances/sandboxes (like CF Enterprise is today)

- No matter which CF you buy, it is installed identically, rather than
having to learn the differences between Standard and Enterprise (paths,
administration, etc.)

- Upgrading becomes just a matter of updating the license, no new install or
re-configuration or re-boots. This is a web server after-all.

- More money for Adobe: A lot of people who pay 1000$ for Standard would
choose to pay more for the added security, while most of the people who pay
for Enterprise now would still pay the same, since they probably already
have many sites.

- Encourage security: Instead of making sandbox security out of reach for a
small shop, encourage them to get it and improve CF's overall reputation and

- Allowing gateways to be available to all would make CF more valuable and
sought after. Plus is it fair to pay a 4000$ premium for casual gateway use?
Why box out all the interesting gateway applets that could be developed and

It seems like this would generate more money for Adobe and make people

Just a rant,

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