Hey Bobby, just checked out your site and read the "Gone phishing" entry...
Just wondering why you didn't just use cfhttp and used MacroExpress instead?
CFHTTP would be a lot faster, and more efficient, and not require you to
have 3 computer running just to post some data to some scammer's form.  And
if he's smart at all, he's collection source ip addresses and can trash the

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bobby Hartsfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:38 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CF Debugging & CSS Layout
> > Bobby and I got a good laugh at that
> I have no clue what you're talking about. Where does he even have a css
> menu? The only one I recall laughing at lately was yours lol. I'm not
> having
> a 3-way with you 2... stop trying.
> ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
> Bobby Hartsfield
> http://acoderslife.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 2:49 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CF Debugging & CSS Layout
> Will you need to put a hat on your balding head cause because the chill
> must
> be doing more damage.
> Yes there was an issue but since in your old age and receding hair line
> and
> memory seem to forget that the problem was a z-index bug in mac ff which
> isn't a fault of css.
> Crying? Will should I post your 28,459 yahoo im's a day i get from you
> where
> your stolen code don't work and you can't understand why....
> " Yanno why? Because they just aren't quite THERE yet."
> Umm ok Mr Expert who when asked didn't even know how to make a css comment
> a
> few days ago so how are you qualified to make this assuming? The fact is
> css
> is fine and the part that's not in the building yet is you.
> After I hit community mx? Ok Will, I seem to recall you freaking out like
> you won the lottery (again) about how your css menu WORKED OMG YOU CANT
> BELIEVE IT WORKED FIRST TIME OMG OMG and it was you who copied and pasted
> their menu into your page, you couldn't even change the colors lol, Bobby
> and I got a good laugh at that and all your OMG OMG OMG IT WORKED FIRST
> TIMES, which is the only clue we need to know you didn't write it .
> " but I'd rather avoid that and drop in a few tables that WORK IN ALL MY
> BROWSERS with no hassle"
> Ok Will, even when you do that they don't work till you spend 3 weeks
> making
> each row color and this is how you are and half-ass everything, maybe if
> you
> took the time to learn some of this stuff (instead of working on
> i_will_never_be_done_with_this_friggin_cart.cfc) instead of half assin
> everything then you'd have more than one (1) client and some of your own
> knowledge. Oh and I like how you say "all my browsers" lol, now there is
> something to look for in a web developer, well hell it looks good in all
> browsers!!! Well they don't look good in MY browsers and I'm the visitor,
> do
> you get the difference?
> If you don't understand it that's fine but don't blame it on css blame it
> on
> yourself, you can look at the csszengardens.com and they look better and
> more consistent than any of your table based layouts so they must be using
> that ulta-secret magic>css tag
> "with no hassle"
> Do you tell potential clients this? Maybe that's why they don't call you
> back....
> Again this is you half-assing it,  I can see you telling your clients that
> you will only do the minimum to get by but it will look good on YOUR
> browser....
> This isn't a job to half-ass it, sometimes you need to actually spend
> sometime doing what's needs to give them a quality site. And so when you
> make these sites, well ok your one site, and the day comes that they want
> visitors to be able to view it on their Ipod (since i bet the next ipod
> will
> have Internet on it) and now they are going to have to remake their site
> and
> since you half-assed it the first time do you think they are going to come
> back to you again?
> And since you try to "mock" what I do then how come everything you do I
> can
> look at source and see my(yes mine but poorly hacked) code?
> ~Dave the disruptor~
> google will pay you money to getting rid of ie :)
> http://explorerdestroyer.com/
> http://www.killbillsbrowser.com/
> ----------------------------------------
> From: Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 7:27 AM
> To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
> Subject: Re: CF Debugging & CSS Layout
> > heck the last 2 sites i did looked perfect in mac ie without any
> > tweaks at all, I don't know how you'd know since you don't have a mac.
> No, I don't remember you whining like a little baby cause your css
> wouldn't
> work right. You said oh I got it! Still broke! Menus, layout, everything.
> Don't be lyin' either, like you never cried about it.
> Bottom line is css layouts tortured you disruptor! Admit it! They made you
> pull your hair out quite a few times. Gave you a headache. Yanno why?
> Because they just aren't quite THERE yet. Alllllmost but not yet. yeah you
> got yours workin finally after bobby held yer hand, and after you hit
> communitymx all night long readin' tutorials, but I'd rather avoid that
> and
> drop in a few tables that WORK IN ALL MY BROWSERS with no hassle.

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