Patric Stumpe wrote:
> But where should be the difference if I set the locale explicitly or
> it's set by the OS (or Java default?)? Shouldn't they be the same?

in theory, yes sure. but locale resource data/implementation varies version to 
version & i suppose OS to OS--even something as simple as the terminology 
differs OS to OS (and sometimes version to version).

any chance the host is setting the file encoding?

> The dates do not come from the DB. It's just a simple script to
> prefill some form fields for date selection (but it also happens with
> records from the DB, so to say any time the function is used):
> <cfscript>
>   dDate1 = CreateDate(now());

that works? if it does it's redundant, now() should suffice.

>   dDate2 = CreateDate(DateAdd('yyyy', 1, now()));

that works? just dateAdd should be ok.

> Even without using those vars as formfield-values the umlauts are
> screwed up...

?? that script only produces numeric values for your day/month/year bits. am i 
missing something?

btw are you using cfprocessingdirective & cfcontent both set to use iso-8859-1?

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