I have has similar problems when exporting CF to Word and other text-based
documents. It was replacing certain characters like the pound sign out. This
was particularlly annoying as I was doing a currency-intesive document and
the Yen and other were working, but not the pound. I was able to fix this
when I set the charset to Windows-1252. 

Hope that might help.
Ben Nadel 
Web Developer
Nylon Technology
6 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10011
212.691.3477 fax
Programming is my "money" job. My real passion is eating.

-----Original Message-----
From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 10:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: FW: [CF-Dev] £ sign in cfmail

I am posting this for a colleague.


Hi everyone,


I hope someone can help me with this problem as its really doing my head in!


My client sends out adverts in either plaintext or HTML format and we use a
template to create each version which is then mass-mailed.


I am having problems representing the pound sign in the emails. It was easy
to fix the problem in the HTML emails, as I just replaced the ASCII code
with the HTML code. However, it is not so easy for the text emails.


When a text email that contains a £ sign is viewed in Outlook Express it
looks fine on screen; but if you view the source (ALT+ Enter, Click message
source) you will see that where the pound sign should be, there are A3’s
instead!! This may not seem a problem as the email display is fine, but my
client runs macros that look at the message source and import data from it,
and the rogue characters are causing all sorts of problems.


I am using charset ISO8859-1 in the cfmail tag and I have tried various
other charsets as well, with no success. We didn’t have this problem with
CF5, the £ sign was intact both in the display and in the message source. 


Has anyone got any ideas please? 







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