> It does seem expensive, especially given that from what I 
> understand its basically a plugin for an open source program?

Yes, that's all it is. However, it's one hell of a plugin.

The problem that a lot of people seem to have when looking at software
pricing is that they expect it to match the complexity or size of the
application in question. This is silly. The value of a piece of software -
like anything else - isn't derived from how big it is, or how complicated it
is, but whether it saves you money that you'd otherwise spend doing things
some other way.

If you're interested in building Flex 2 applications - and I strongly
encourage everyone to take a good look at Flex 2 - you can build them with
your favorite text editor, or you can use FlexBuilder. Having worked with
FlexBuilder myself, I'd buy it in a minute - it makes building Flex 2
applications so much simpler, that you'll recoup your labor costs in a week.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit http://training.figleaf.com/ for more information!

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